Sunday, January 15, 2012

H-K Uniform Update -Artillery Korp

Being under development by Herr Fabenschwein (paintpig) for the H-K artillery corp with the gracious help of the  Erzherzogin Viktoria Ellen. Whilst some in the palace court and military had initial misgivings of handing the Erzhzerzogin the task of selecting dye's and accoutrement detailing, it was very much to every one's relief that the finished article bore no resemblance to a peacock. I have noticed, however, Herr Fabenschwein has a little less hair lately..........


  1. Beautiful painting. Very lovely colors. Dean

  2. Nice work Dave, well done.


  3. Thanks guys, Viktoria Ellen think's the coat should be lighter so I will do one more test piece and then get an order off to Nic, I had this figure lying around spare and primed so it became the lab rat. Looking forward to reading your article T Girl, only got my W&SS sub organised two weeks ago so I'll have to get a copy from the news agent.

  4. Artillery crew generally dropped their coat in action, and the light waistcoat would soon turn dirty: what about exchanging the colors between the coat and the waistcoat?
